2.入会金2,000円 年間会費1,000円をご協力頂ける方。


1.入会金1,000円 年会費1,000円
2.入会金100,000円 年会費20,000円をご協力頂ける法人様。
1 .YLTクラブの活動に関してサポート頂ける法人様
2.入会金30,000円 年会費10,000円をご協力頂ける法人様。
YLT Club
Transfer from Japan Post Bank
Symbol 18540 Number 25460891 Name Yerty Club
Transfer from other financial institutions
Store name Hachigohachi Store number 858 Ordinary deposit Account number 2546089 Name Yerti Club
Regarding cooperation in the survey
We at YLT Club are looking for people to cooperate with the survey. Would you like to experience nature even if you are inexperienced?

Inexperienced mountain walkers
Why don't you try it for the first time from surveys (YLT camp, etc.) that are easy to participate for the first time?
We plan to walk in the survey hike for only one day, so even if it is impossible to stay overnight, it is possible to participate in a day-trip hike or just a trial camp.
Please feel free to contact us.
・Person who has experience of hiking/climbing
We hope you will participate in the survey for members only. In the future, it will be necessary to collect records such as track logs used to apply for maintenance permits to related organizations and identification of required maintenance points. *There are also spots for cutting.
Please contact us from the official HP/Facebook.
*Caution: If you can participate in the survey, the current Yamagata Long Trail is not officially opened, so please do not disclose the data and images on the devices such as apps and GPS loggers.