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YLT club setting route
YLT club route as of July 2020 (Shimizu pass → Yamadera station is planned for 2021)
Mark setting route
Route without mark
Route examination area
*1 The green line area is currently under planning and is off limits.
*2 The Chuo Zao Area 6-6 Blue Line is a private land, so it is difficult to see the road, so it is prohibited to pass at this time.
In the meantime, those who walk, please adhere to the above rules.
※1 グリーンラインエリアは、現在計画中の為、立ち入り禁止となります。
※2 中央蔵王エリア6-6ブルーラインは、民有地の為、道が分かりにくいので現時点での 通行を禁じます。